SWIS 2015 Full Symposium Video Bundle
Here is the SWIS 2015 Full Symposium Video Bundle of 39 presentations.
Each Video is 90 minutes long and is streamed.
As an added bonus, a downloadable MP3 audio of the presentations will also be included.
Here is the complete list of presentations that include the powerpoint slides when the presenters used them.
- Matt Nichol: The Art of Coaching
- JL Holdsworth: Strength Correctives: Building Armor for Your Athletes
- Dr. Fred Hatfield: Super Power Seminar
- Bill Kazmaier & Brad Gillingham: Legendary Strength Training Techniques
- Mindi O’Brien and Dennis Beitler: How to Prepare for Bikini, Figure, and Physique
- Dave Tate: The “No Secrets” Business Plan to Starting a Growing Business
- John Meadows: Advanced Hypertrophy Training
- Julia Ladewski: Building a New Woman: How Performance Matters
- Joe DeFranco: The “Slow” Approach to Developing Blazing Speed
- Lorne Goldenberg: The No BS Lecture on Training - The Truth About Variables & Coaching Cues You Need
- Dr. Jordan Moon: Advanced Muscle & Fat Physiology, Biochemistry and Measurement
- Dr. Eric Serrano: Fats: What Works and Why
- Rick Collins: Legal Implications of Dietary Supplements and Performance Enhancing Substances & Drugs
- David Sandler: The Good/Bad/Ugly of the Supplement Industry
- Dr. John Berardi: Nutrition for Injury Recovery
- Dr. Tom Bilella: Adding an additional Profit Centre Through Nutrition Coaching and Body Comp Assessment
- Dr. Rob Rakowski: Performance Nutrition Made Easy
- Eoin Lacey: Functional Nutrition for Fat Loss
- Dr. Darryn Willoughby: Advanced Nutritional Applications for Muscle Hypertrophy and Fat Loss
- Kevin Darby: Facial Stretch Therapy Techniques for the Shoulder
- Donnie Thompson: Advanced Mobility and Adhesion Techniques
- Paul Chek: Athlete Management - The 4 Doctors- Part 1 and 2
- Paul Gagne: Test it- Fix it
- Dr. Dale Buchberger: Advanced Rotator Cuff Rehab Protocols
- Ian King: Injury Prevention in Strength Training
- Dr. John Berardi: The Complete Fitness Pro: Use your passion for fitness to create a wildly successful career
- Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon: The Consistency Secret: How to get your clients to buy in, stay on track, and make the changes to recover from their injury
- SWIS Rehab Presenters Delegates: Dr. David Leaf/Dr. Peter Jaillet/ Dr. Dale Buchberger/Joe Arko/Dr. Jerome Rerucha/Paul Gagne/Dr. Rob Rakowski/Chris Fudge - Demonstrating Their Favorite Rehab for Specific Weight Training Injuries
- Kelly Armstrong: How to Treat Scars that Turn of Muscles Using the Neurostim
- Dr. Luke Bucci: Glucosamine & Chondroitin-When, Where, How & Why
- Dr. Karim Dhanani: Healthy Muscle Cell Protocols Using German Biological Medicine
- Dr. Mark Scappaticci: Acupuncture Protocols For Weight Training Shoulder Injuries
- Dr. Ken Kinakin/John Foulkes/Dr. David Leaf/Nora Fedoryak/ Dr. Jerome Rerucha: SWIS Chiro/Personal Trainer Referral Systems
- Dr. David Leaf: Muscle Testing - Weight & Shoulder Injuries
- Dr. Jerome Rerucha: Treatment Modalities-Laser, Percussor, Adjuster for Weight Training Injuries
- Dr. Peter Jaillet: Assess and Treat The Brain for Weight Training Injuries
- Dr. Douglas Stoddard: Stem Cell And PRP Injections For Weight Training Injuries
- SWIS Chiropractic Presenters and Delegates: Dr. David Leaf/Dr. Dale Buchberger/Dr. Peter Jaillet/Dr. Rob Rakowski/Dr. Jerome Rerucha - Demonstrating Their Favorite Adjustments for Specific Weight Training Injuries
- Plus Shane Church Squatting 1000 pounds