SWIS 2015 Vol.006 - Dave Tate - The No Secrets Business Plan to Starting and Growing A Business - Video


Dave Tate, who is one of the top powerlifting coaches and educators. His company and web site, http://www.elitefts.com/, is a main resource for anyone in powerlifting and the strength and conditioning field. He has presented at SWIS twice in the past and has been one of the most popular presenters due to his authenticity and knowledge. He is an incredible addition to the SWIS Symposium line up.

Presentation Description:

Starting and building a business in todays strength and fitness industry can be challenging with all the cons, fakes and over the top marketing. The odds are already stacked against you and the advice being given is coming from fools. Everyone agrees, if you wan to get stronger find someone who’s been around strength training along time - with success. Elitefts.com Inc has been known for quality products and educations for the past 17 years. Dave will share the reasons why and how these same principles have helped many of those he has mentored to earn 6 and 7 figure incomes - and - more importantly make a difference.