SWIS 2015 Vol.033 - David Sandler - The Good-Bad-Ugly of the Supplement Industry - Video
David Sandler, MS, CISSN, CSCS*D, RSCC*D, HFD, HFI, FNSCA, FISSN, has been a consultant and strength and conditioning coach for the past 25 years and has worked with the nation’s top organizations and some of the world’s best athletes. David is the President of StrengthPro, a training and nutrition consulting group. David is the former Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). David is also the former Director of Science and Education for iSatori. Sandler has authored six books: Sports Power, Weight Training Fundamentals, The Resistance Band Workout Book, Plyo Power, and Strength Training Everyone, Fundamental Weight Training and he has developed dozens of exercise videos including three coaching developmental videos titled Plyometrics Training, Speed and Power Training, and Vertical Jump Training. Sandler was the Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach at University of Miami and head of baseball during their 1999 National Championship season. He was an assistant professor of kinesiology and sports science for six years at Florida International University where he developed and directed the strength and conditioning education curriculum before moving on to Florida Atlantic University. He is a highly sought after presenter with more then 400 international, national and regional lectures to his credit. David has published more than 20 scientific articles and abstracts and more than 300 articles in power, strength, nutrition, supplementation, and fitness training for various magazines and literature. Sandler is the Chairman of Educational Events for the Arnold Sports Festival Weekend. He is a Fellow of the NSCA and the International Society of Sports Nutritionists (ISSN). Additionally, he regularly serves in a developmental capacity for other top fitness organizations, equipment manufacturers, and professional sports franchises. Sandler has been the lead exercise and sports physiologist for more then 40 episodes of television for National Geographic’s series Fight Science, Super Strength, the Science of Steroids, and Impossible Science, and the Emmy Award winning Sport Science series on Fox Sports Network. In addition, Sandler was the Science Advisor and Sports Physiologist for Jesse James is a Dead Man, the series, with Spike TV and has filmed several episodes as the Science Expert for History Channel’s Stan Lee’s Superhumans. He was a regular column author, consultant and 10-year member of the advisory board for Muscle and Fitness Magazine as well as other mainstream fitness publications and regularly acts as an expert for more than a dozen top publications. He was a former powerlifter and three-time U.S. national bench press champion and his research and passion is with strength and power development.