Vol.016 - Advanced Women’s Bodybuilding Techniques - Laura Binetti - Video


About Laura Binetti

Laura Binetti was one of the top female bodybuilders in the world. She has won the IFBB1999 World Pro Championships, 1996 European Grand Prix, and the 1994 Canadian Grand Prix. She has also won other awards for achievement and distinction like the Athletic Achievement Award from the Government of Italy, and the Ben Weider Achievement Award. No longer competing herself, Laura now coaches numerous amateur and professional bodybuilders and specializes in pre-contest training and dieting. She is well renowned for the ability to get her clients into incredible shape for the day of the contest.

About the Video

Laura will discuss the interaction of training and diet specifically for the female bodybuilder. She will also be demonstrating various techniques and unique exercises to get at difficult problem areas for women like the glutes and thighs. Laura will also be demonstrating various exercise techniques with some of the delegates from the audience to hit those problem areas. You can use these techniques yourself and for your clients. 90 minutes.

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