Vol.010 - Advanced Powerlifting Techniques - Rickey Dale Crain - Video


About Rickey Dale Crain

Rickey is a 5 Time World Powerlifitng Champion,10 Time National Champion and has competed for over 35 years, breaking over 100 National, International and World Records. He was a recent inductee to the Powerlifting Hall of Fame and is listed as one of the top 25 powerlifters of all time. He is the author of the book:"To Squat Or Not To Squat” and is currently working on a Bench Press and Deadlift Book. His best contest Lifts in the 165 Lb. Weight Class are a 800 lb. Squat, 440 lb. Bench Press, 716 lbs. Deadlift,1890 lb. Total. He is also the owner of http://www.crainsmuscleworld.com/.

About the Video

Rickey is known for his incredible technique and form in Powerlifting. He will discuss all the finer details he has used over the years to maxmize strength while minimizing injury. Learn from one of the best in the world on how to increase your lifts by maintaining perfect technique. 90 minutes.

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