Vol.101 - How to Remove Weight-Training Mental and Emotional Blocks - Dr.Jerome Rerucha - Video
About Dr. Jerome Rerucha D.C.
Dr. Jerome Rerucha is a chiropractor in Irvine, California and president of NutriPedia.com and other health related web sites. He is an international lecturer on improving human performance by identifying physical, chemical and mental imbalances. He has been involved with numerous NCAA Division 1 strength programs, and has worked with a variety of athletes on improving their performance. Dr. Rerucha competed on a national level as a powerlifter for 14 years and using the techniques that will be discussed, was able to win the Lifetime Drug Free World Championship in 1999.
About the Video
Dr. Rerucha will focus his presentation on the latest and most efficient techniques to identify and erase inhibitory mental programs, also known as engrams, which limit athletic performance. The discussion will also educate the listener as to how the physiology of chronic and recurring injuries can be a result of mental engrams and how to effectively eliminate the mental block. After this session you will have a better understanding of how inhibitory mental patterning effects coaches, athletes and the entire team. This seminar is a must for anyone that has reached a plateau with his or her performance or is unable to fully recover from any injury.