Vol.109 - Trunk Stabilization Concepts and Exercises - Dr.Mike Hartle - Video


About Dr. Mike Hartle D.C., D.A.C.B.N., C.C.S.P., C.C.N., C.S.C.S.

Dr. Hartle is a chiropractic physician and a nationally ranked powerlifter. He has written many articles on training and rehabilitation and has treated numerous athletes from novice to elite. He consults on injury prevention, nutrition and sports specific strength and conditioning to various teams, also serving as the webmaster for the USAPL’s web site.

About the Video

Dr. Hartle will be presenting on various concepts of core trunk stability and how it maybe trained properly. He will review the concepts of proprioception, the role of the multifidus muscle and how it must be trained. He will also review the latest research showing the importance of the abdominal muscles and how they help stabilize the low back. He will demonstrate and workshop some new swiss ball exercises along with some new innovative dumbbell exercises that are very effective for back stabilization.