Vol.112 - Computerized Postural Assessment and Exercise Prescription - Dr.Sylvain Guimond - Video


About Dr. Sylvain Guimond D.O.

Dr. Sylvain Guimond holds a doctorate in Osteopathic medicine from the Québec Ostéopatique College and received his BS degree in exercise physiology from McGill University in Montreal, Canada. He also studied Biomechanics at the University of Quebec at Trois Rivieres and Psychology at the State University of New York. He is a certified fitness appraiser for the Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology and is a
Member of the American Back Society. He holds a specialization in Medical Exercise Therapy from the Holten Institute of Norway. He is the inventor of the BioTonix posture and extremities video/ computer biomechanical analysis. Dr. Guimond is presently the founder and Chief Knowledge Officer of BioTonix, www.biotonix.com, a Montreal, Canada, health solutions company. In this age of innovative technological and scientific development, it is becoming apparent that such advances are affecting the ways in which the health care industry provides services, particularly those delivered by a healthcare professional .

About the Video

This presentation will review how computerized postural analysis methods are being developed to meet the growing needs of healthcare professionals, so that they can provide their patients with the most effective care. Dr. Guimond will discuss what proper posture is and how it can be measured by digital cameras, computers and high tech software. Low tech analysis like plum line and wall grids are effective analysis for the doctor, but the patient does not see the distortions, so compliance to exercise prescription for posture is usually low. When the patients visually see how abnormal their posture is, they want effective exercise prescription to correct it. The BioPrint is a Biomechanical assessment analyzes posture and recommends personalized exercise programs. Come see cutting edge technology in action and how it can enhance your treatment effectiveness and compliance.