Vol.012 - Bodybuilding Techniques of 8 Time Mr. Olympia Lee Haney - Video


About Lee Haney

Mr. Lee Haney is one of the greatest bodybuilders in history. He has been bodybuilding for 25 years and has won eight consecutive Mr. Olympia titles, beating Arnold Schwarzenegger's seven-title record. Now retired from bodybuilding, Mr. Haney is an educator and trainer who works with many world-class athletes. He has served as a member of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports since December 1998. Mr. Haney owns two fitness centers in Atlanta and has been recognized by the President's Council on Physical Fitness, the United States Sports Academy and the International Federation of Bodybuilding. In 1994, Mr. Haney established Harvest House, a non-profit retreat facility for children on a forty-acre farm near Atlanta. Harvest House features nature tours, a petting zoo, and an eight-week summer camp for 12-15 year olds. Mr. Haney received a degree in youth counseling from Spartanburg Methodist College.

About the Video

Lee will be demonstrating some of the exercises that made him one of the top bodybuilders of all time. He will review the techniques, distinctions and also the exercise sequence in order to get maximum muscular development. A few symposium attendees will also get a chance to work one on one with Lee. He will show the audience not only how to perform the lifts, but also on how to coach someone on proper lifting techniques. 90 minutes.

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