Vol.059 - Strength Training for Endurance Athletes - Sheldon Persad - Video


About Sheldon Persad, BPE, MSc, CSCS, CPTN-CPT(M), SWC(c)

As a co-owner of Personal Best, and a selected service provider for the Canadian Sports Institute, Sheldon’s clientele has extended to four continents. Sheldon is a certified coach in several different sports and also a certified Stress Management Consultant. He has been coaching for close to 30 years, and his experience includes being the coach of athletes who have competed at world championships, the Commonwealth Games, the Pan-American games, and the Olympics (summer and winter) from 18 different national team programs.

He is a co-founder of the Certified Professional Trainers Network (CPTN), a course conductor for assessors, the co-author of two books, and award winning international conference presenter. His graduate research on the effects of stress on athletes was among the first of it's kind in the world. He has twice hosted his own radio show segment and continues to teach high performance coaches at a local college. Above all, Sheldon enjoys spending time with his wife, and tries to stay in shape in an effort to keep up with his kids.

About the Video

The focus of this session will be on marathon and long course triathlon preparation. One complete macrocycle will be covered with a discussion of exercise selection and sport specificity. To give individuals an understanding of training volumes within each mesocycle, cardiovascular activity will be briefly discussed in an effort to give you a better understanding of how and where resistance training fits into the training plan.