Vol.096 - Advanced Treatment Techniques for Weight-Training Extremity Injuries - Dr. George Gonzalez - Video


About Dr. George Gonzalez D.C.

Dr. Gonzalez is an international speaker and authority on the use of cold-laser to improve physiology, neurology and human performance. He is a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic based in Los Angeles, California. He has treated numerous professional athletes and has trained doctors of many professional teams on the use of laser. Dr. Gonzalez has authored a book and several articles on the application of cold-laser. He has developed a process called G-POI (Gonzalez Point of Interruption), that will revolutionize therapy and training for professional athletes.

About the Video

Dr. Gonzalez  will be demonstrating how to functionally test athletes during exercise. Although he will be focusing on Squats, these techniques apply to all exercises. He has developed a systematic process he calls Neural Integration Techniques (N.I.T.) Using this process, he will show how to functionally test the lower extremities, and will introduce new concepts of unlocking the injury. He will demonstrate how to find and correct the weak spot in the athletes range of motion. This weak spot is called a P.O.I. – Point of Interruption. Once found, the P.O.I. weakness it is easily corrected. This will maximize strength through a more fluid range of motion.