Vol.120 - Myofascial Treatment for Weight-Training Knee Injuries - Dr.Guy Voyer - Video
About Dr. Guy Voyer D.O.
Fascial expert Guy Voyer of France has been teaching and practicing physical Somatotherapy since he developed it 30 years ago. As well as
being an Osteopath, Voyer holds a Doctorate in Medicine from the University of Marseilles (1979). Voyer is also qualified as a Massage
Therapist, Physiotherapist and Physical Education instructor. He was world Judo Champion in 1983.
About the Video
Guy will present a theoretical lecture on the interactivity between the fascia and knee injuries caused by weight training. The complex nature of the human body along with the distinct lack of therapeutic fascial knowledge helps to perpetuate the fascia’s role in injury and recovery, as one of the greatest problems encountered by therapists. Voyer will present examples of the interactively between the philosophy, histology, physiology, functional anatomy and liquid concepts of the fascia. This link is necessary to the understanding of the fascia’s role in injury and recovery as well as the therapist’s role in treatment and the patient’s role in rehabilitation.