Vol.130 - The Zone Diet – Application in Fat Loss and Muscle Hypertrophy - Dr. Barry Sears - Video


About Dr. Barry Sears PhD

Dr. Sears began the research that led to the development of the Zone Diet for a very selfish reason -- he wanted to avoid a premature heart attack. All the males on his father's side of the family have died of heart disease in their early 50s. After earning his Ph.D. at Indiana University and doing post-doctoral work at the University of Virginia, Dr. Sears was a researcher at Boston University and MIT before forming his own biotechnology company. His research led him to the Zone in the late '80s, which he continued to refine. In 1995, he wrote The Zone, which became a number-one: New York Times best-seller and led to a revolution in nutritional thinking. His new book,”The Miracle of the New High-dose Fish Oil”, takes his cutting edge of hormonal control science to a new level. Dr. Sears is the president of Sears Labs, a leading biotechnology company in the
development of medical foods to treat heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and neurological disorders.

About the Video

Dr. Sears will be reviewing how the Zone diet works and how it shifts the metabolism to preferentially use fat as a fuel source and increases the anabolic environment for muscle hypertrophy for improved athletic performance. He will also discuss some new research on how high-dose fish oils can significantly decrease the inflammatory state of the body thus allowing for improved recovery times. Dr. Sears will also review some of the common misconceptions of the Zone diet and how to extract maximum hormone control from it. Come listen to one of the most influential voices in nutrition today and truly understand how the Zone diet may work for you and your clients.